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Study of low-lying resonances in 26Si relevant for understanding the nucleosynthesis of Galactic 26Al
Presented By: Jesus Perello / jfperello@gmail.com / https://linkedin.com/in/jesus-perello
Jesus Perello is a graduate student working under Dr. Sergio Almaraz-Calderon at Florida State University. He conducts his research at the John D. Fox Superconducting Linear Accelerator Laboratory in FSU, where he focuses on nuclear reactions relevant for nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics. To investigate these reactions, he works with stable and radioactive ion beams, thin targets, techniques for detecting neutrons using CATRiNA - an array of deuterated liquid scintillators that he characterized and developed, as well as detector systems which include neutron and gamma-ray coincidence. For his contributions to neutron detector development at FSU, he received the 2020 J.W. Endowment "For his enthusiastic attitude and willingness to share his knowledge in state-of-the-art neutron detectors and in helping his fellow graduate and undergraduate students at the John D. Fox Laboratory". He obtained his MSc in Physics at FSU and will complete his doctoral studies by the summer of 2021.